Did You Know?
Since 2009 the club has donated over $400,000 to Camp He Ho Ha.
Lions Village of Greater Edmonton Society has helped provide housing for over 1,000 seniors since it started.
Each year the Edmonton Host Lions Club typically organizes hot lunches for more than 4,000 hungry inner-city residents.
The Edmonton Host Lions Club built homes for returning WWII veterans.
More than 20,000 Edmonton Youth have visited the Telus World of Science as the guests of the Edmonton Host Lions Club.
Lions in Canada have recycled and given away 3,535,071 prescription eyeglasses.
Our club's first fundraiser was selling peanuts on the street for 10 cents a bag. It netted $1,000 and helped finance the city's first daycare.
Lion Bessie Goldstick was an active club member until she passed away at 97.
Did you know the Edmonton Host Lions Club raised funds to purchase the first pediatric operation suite for the Stollery Hospital a few years ago? The club raised $300,000 to buy all the specialized equipment needed. Prior to that surgeons had to use equipment designed for adults.
The club built Lions Seniors Recreational Center turning the operation of it over to the city.
The club built and currently operates four residences for seniors in Edmonton.
Get in touch today and get involved in volunteering with Lions.